We’re continuously working to enhance your experience on AHAsolar One.
As part of our latest upgrade, we’ve introduced key modifications to streamline
Lead Management and overall experience of ahasolar one user:
✅ Enquiry listing is now merged with Lead listing
- Leads will now be created instead of separate enquiries with enquiry, lead, site survey, proposal merged in leads.
✅ Order confirmed Leads are now listed under Projects
- Provides a clear distinction between confirmed and non-confirmed projects.
✅ Effortless Project Import
- Easily import projects directly from the PM SuryaGhar & Gujarat Portal for smoother workflow integration.
These upgrades are designed to enhance data management, improve tracking, and simplify
operations at the lead stage while ensuring better clarity in project tracking.
Mr. Piyushkumar Bhatt is Promoter and Chairman and Managing Director of the Company. He has completed Bachelor of Arts from North Gujarat University in 1992. He has also completed certification course as Microsoft certified Application Developer. He is having experience of more than 10 years in Information Technology industry. He has been instrumental in taking major policy decision of the Company and in leading the Company. He has been playing vital role in formulating business strategies and effective implementation of the same.
Pulkit Dhingra
Whole-Time Director
Mr. Pulkit Dhingra is Promoter and Whole Time Director of the Company. He has completed Bachelor of Engineering from Visveswaraiah Technological University in 2009. He has also completed Master of Business Administration under Energy and Infrastructure from Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University in 2013. He is having experience of more than 8 years in Renewable Energy sector. He has been instrumental in taking major decisions in policy making of the Company and in leading the Company. He has been playing vital role in formulating business strategies and effective implementation of the same.
Shatrughan Harinarayan Yadav
Executive Director
Mr. Shatrughan Harinarayan Yadav is a Promoter and Executive Director of the Company. He has completed Bachelor of Engineering from Gujarat University in 2008. He has also completed Master of Business Administration under Marketing from Gujarat Technological University in 2020. He is having experience of more than 12 years in Renewable Energy sector. He has been playing vital role in technological matters of the Company.
Garima Heerani
Executive Director
Mrs. Garima Heerani is an Executive Director of the Company. She has completed Bachelor of Commerce from Gujarat University in 2013. She has also completed Master of Business Administration under Energy and Infrastructure from Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University in 2016. She is having experience of more than 5 years in Sales & Marketing. She has been playing vital role in marketing related matters of the Company.
Ashokkumar Ratilal Patel
Independent Director
Mr. Ashokkumar Ratilal Patel is an Independent Director of the Company. He has completed Bachelor of Commerce from Gujarat University in 1978 and Master of Commerce from Gujarat Technological University in 1980. He has also completed The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India in 1982. Further, he has completed Chartered Accountants course in 1985 and is member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is having experience of more than 35 years in Accounting and Finance.
Sharadchandra Babhutabhai Patil
Independent Director
Mr. Sharadchandra Babhutabhai Patil is an Independent Director of the Company. He has completed Bachelor of Technology from Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth in 1982 and Master of Science from University of Manitoba, Canada in 1984. He is having experience of more than 38 years in Energy Sector.
Vilin Devkaran Davda
Independent Director
Mr. Vilin Devkaran Davda is an Independent Director of the Company. He has completed Bachelor of Science from Gujarat University in 2000. He has also completed Diploma in International Trade Management conducted by Global Network in 2002. He is having experience of more than 20 years in Business Management.